Well, all my caterpillars are gone. No clue where they went, no chrysalis’s around, and I'm hoping they weren't eaten. They were there when the sun went down, but not when it came up again. One by one they went. I hope to build their cocoons somewhere safe. They won't break open until March, so they have a long winter ahead.
Watching the news tonight I heard the Christians are very upset that the book "The DaVinci Code" is being made into a movie. This is a touchy subject for me because I reallllllly loved that book. It was great fun reading and I hope they don't fuck up the movie. As for the Christians being upset about it - WHO CARES?! I'm sorry, but damnit I'm an adult and I sure as hell don't need someone else feeding me their idea of right and wrong or morals, or even weather or not if Jesus Christ was a married man. Ummm... if he was a good Jewish son, he sure was married by the ripe old age of 35. And last I heard, he was Jewish and they didn't believe a man should be a bachelor back then. So I have to ask, why the hell is it such a big deal if he was married - and had children? It's not as though any miracles have been happening. At least not by his side of the family. Only miracles we're being spoon fed are the ones the last Pope did. So he can be a saint. Yeah. Thank you oh high priests of our morals for trying to make us believe the man was a saint. But I'm not buying it. Have I pissed off all the religions? Oh wait, I haven’t mentioned the Baptists... only thing wrong with them is they aren't held under long enough.
No seriously, be any religion you want, but don't feel it necessary to FORCE others to believe your way. Is that even considered Christian? I thought it wasn't our job to pass judgment on others.
Still looking for a job. Went out today to local shops and businesses. No luck and I always feel like they just plan to throw away the application as soon as I leave. It's not as though they have a "Help Wanted" sign out front so, I guess I just expect it. I'm loosing faith. And yes, I do have faith, and I do believe in God, and the Goddess. I live as good as possible without hurting others. I work hard. If I don't know how to do something I learn how. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm doing worse than my parents instead of better... aren't we suppose to do better?
Oh hell, it's Monday - what did you expect?