Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Sun Sure Does Rise Early Doesn't It?

I woke wide awake at 4:30 this morning... now mind you I did not fall asleep until after 1, so today isn't going to be a day to perform brain surgury.

I think the problem was that John didn't make it home from the roadside fiasco until almost 11:30 last night and I still had not eaten because in between phone calls with him and the tow truck dispatcher I was in the bathroom being sick to my stomach. So when he finally did make it home I was starved, but that too was another mistake. Having eaten and then going to bed, I woke around 4:30 as I said, only to have to run to the bathroom to be sick... heartburn and post nasal drip had set in and was not sitting well!

I feel wonderful now. Seriously. I took a tylenol sinus day time tablet and feel great. No heartburn, not drip, and no cough. But it's bloody bright outside and it hurts my eyes!

Poor John has to work today, and he's none too happy himself having spent his friday evening along the side of the road.

Well... here's to a better Saturday. (Just as soon as I find out whats up with my van!)


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