Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Who Makes These Rules Anyway?

I was sitting around daydreaming in my garden today, kind of wishing I could own a coffee/book/herbal shop type of thing and of course call it "Herb-an-Culture" and then my mind started wandering as it tends to do and I was thinking of all the herbal remedies and then I wondered why the majority of the states in our country refuse to allow people with certain problems to be able to smoke pot, you know like folks with cancer - it gets rid of their queasiness and helps bring back their appetites. Why would our state and federal government disapprove that, but will allow someone to take other prescription drugs? Last I heard pot wasn't addictive, and is less harmful that oxycotton or morphine as two examples. I'm not deeply informed on this topic but it just got me wondering about it.

If certain groups wants us to be run less by government and more on our own personal responsibilities, why then should the government get involved in some of these cases we hear about - one being the Schivo case. That pretty much should have been left alone to the smaller local government, after all it was a 15 year old case.

Why is Michael Jackson so prominently in the news over his alleged child molestation case, but we hear so little about the Catholic Priests who allegedly molested children? The recent passing of the pope made allot of people speak highly of him, and yeah, he didn't seem like such a bad guy, and me not being catholic is probably going to piss a few folks off saying this, but what the hell ... the pope was just a man. Saint? I think not. He surely welcomed Jews into his church as well as attended a few of their religious ceremonies, but he had no tolerance for gays/lesbians. Sure being gay is not a religion - it's actually deeper than that, it's what someone is born. It's like saying I hate all women or all men or all blacks or all Mexicans... you hate them for what they were born? Damn.

I'm no pope, I'm no Saint, and God knows I'm no politician - but it just seems to me we really SHOULD be held accountable for our own personal responsibilities and use some common sense too! And if the pope couldn't tolerate gays, then he was no Saint, because even a non saint-like person should be able to tolerate the differences in human beings. Common sense says "The person has cancer - let him smoke some pot so he can feel better" "That person is what she was born to be, and I'll get to know her for who she is, not what she is" "That person has a personal belief that is different than mine - I'll share with them my belief and listen as intently to their belief, and we'll find a common ground to walk together on"

It's kind of strange to think that the young people of the 60's who made such radical changes in our lifestyles here in the USA... are the same old farts ruining the show today in our Governments. They were liberals when they were poor and became conservative when they got their 401k's - more folks need to become moderate to make this a better place. I like to say I'm a liberal with a side dish of conservative but the truth is, I'm mostly moderate. I believe we should have a death penalty, not because it's a punishment, but because it's more of a punishment to those of us who pay taxes to keep the murderers alive. So get rid of the trash. I believe a woman has the right to a choice when or when not to have a child. It's her body, her conscience, she who has to live with her choices. It sure as hell isn't hurting anyone and no do not tell me it's hurting that baby because hello... its not breathing yet. I suppose I could think deeper about that, and make myself believe that we are hurting it - but hey, we'd be hurting it worse by making it's mother give birth to it only to hate it, neglect it, raise it poorly with no morals etc etc etc... so let women have their choice. I believe also that if you do NOT vote - you do not have the right to spout your opinions to me. Voting doesn't cost you anything, and damnit, it's what makes us feel like we have SOME say in what the hell goes on in this country. Even if we lost our vote - we didn't loose our voice. Someone heard us when we voted for the other guy/girl.

Why isn't smoking pot allowed for people who need it? Or even those who don't... it isn't worse than alcohol, and non addictive. No I don't smoke it - I need to get a job in this nation of ours, that would preclude a urinalysis to get one don't ya think? Why isn't beating someone up for their sexual preferences as bad as beating someone up for being a different color? And why is killing someone because they are different so much worse than killing someone period? Murder is murder regardless the reason. Even in the south we no longer kill someone cause they needed killin' (though I wish we could sometimes!).

Anyway, that's pretty much how my thoughts ran... out of whack one thing leading to another, only I seem to be able to make the links.


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