Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Judge reportedly finds husband & mother dead

Justice was once target of white supremacist's death plot.

This is horrible. And yet the first thing that came to my mind was, "Damn I hope she didn't kill them." Most to the murders of spouses over the past decade has been done by the other spouse, so it's sad but I admit I've become desynthasized by this type of crime. But she wouldn't have killed her mom too right? I'm sorry, but I'm more worried that this doesnt bother me like it should than I am about who did it.

I keep hoping they will find the Florida girl, but I'm actually waiting for them to tell me they've found her body. And I'm angry that we don't get angry at people who can harm children like that. Why aren't we stringing them up? Doese the rest of the population feel as desynthesized as I do?


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