Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Good Stories

I love a good story. By book, by movie or word of mouth, if it's good I can sit mesmorised by it for a long time.

The story of the twin princes of France, better known as the Man in the Iron Mask, is a great story.

The Divinci Code is a great story.

The Mists Of Avalon & Priestess of Avalon(book forms) are a great story.

These were just to name a few. All 4 keep me captive until the end. All 4 make me think "what if this were true", and allows my imagination to wander. All 4 really could have happened - stranger things have been known right? Royalty could get away with what ever they wanted when Loui was king of France, what if L the 14th really was a twin? His mother could easilly have been told one had died at birth, child birth was hard in those days. Leanardo D really could have painted messages into paintings, and I've said all along that if man were created in Gods image then women were created in the Goddesses image. It's bad enough we have a mans world and they want us to beleive its a mans after life too? Jesus Christ was married if he was a good jewish son. And the mists and Priestess of avalon prove that I am not the only one to believe it is not just a mans world.


What if?


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