Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Good Morning?

Who the hell came up with THAT slogan?
11:05 AM
Well I'm putting in some extra time at work this week, that will be nice. You seriously loose the joy of sitting at home doing nothing when it becomes a daily thing. But I am sorry my manager is home sick. I have a job interview tomorrow before work, it's for a full time position in an office, but hardly pays more than the job I have now - but it IS full time so I'll def. go for it!
Anyone out there who's got a job like me where your on your feet most of the time so you really look forward to the witching hour that lets you turn the sign over in the door to CLOSED will probably understand what I am about to talk about...
That ONE person that walks through the door at 1 min to closing. So that's what happened tonight. In she walks, oh hi - I need blah blah blah... and blah blah blah, I'm with such n such store down the road so we get the tax excempt. So I say yeah no problem... IF you had come in 20 min ago. As it is, I am just filling in so I have no idea where your store tax exempt number is and besides... thats JUST for the Phillip Morris products and your only getting one of those. Anyway, she wasn't too happy with me and I let her know I frankly didn't give a damn since we close at 7. She said "Well I didn't know" I probably would have been nice from the beginning but damnit she came in with an attitude of her own right off, and started demanding this rather than just asking. It all just rubbed me wrong and I had been in such a great mood the whole day, singing and dancing along to great songs on the radio, even some of the customers hung out to hear a song they particulaly liked. It was fun.
All in all the day was good... but she put a little bit of a downer on it. But I'm ok now. LOL


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