Sunday, March 27, 2005

Lillie Hitchcock Coit (1842-1929)

The lady who loved firemen and had a tower built that resembles the nozzle of a firehose (though some of us from the area think it also REPRESENTS the true part of a fireman she loved...): "'So much dedication has gone into the building of SF itself in a little more than a century of time that the city's tolerance of the 'oddball' is to be taken straightforwardly as a matter of course. It is 'bad form' in SF to hold a person's opinion, and usually even his behaviour against him.' "

I think that sums up how most Californians feel - at least Northern ones. I never realized how much that kind of an upbringing by people around me, molded the way I am today. I enjoy people who are slightly quirky or different, because I feel so normal. They make me feel like I'm not so invisible when they're around. And they show me sides of a view I hadn't thought to look at before. OR... hmm... here's a thought - maybe I'm one of the slightly quirky and different.



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