Western Thoughts
Now the reason I say it's a "Hmmm" moment is this... I myself wouldn't think of sueing the manufacturer of the gun, but apparently others have because of course regular people should not be able to buy those kinds of guns. Ok that makes sense... but not completely. How did the manufacturer put the gun into the 'regular' persons hands? Next we have the "Hamburger Bill" which again, takes away the right to sue fast food joints for your obesity... we need a bill for this? Why can't the judge laugh in the fat persons face and tell them to get off their ass and excersise? I'm not skinny...but I know that if I eat at McDonalds I'll gain weight, and if I walk around the block twice a day I'll loose weight. Do you need a higher education to figure that out? Do we need a bill to tell folks we won't allow frivolouse law suites?
So here's the last one... why can I sue the manufacturer of cigarettes then? They don't force me to smoke. They didn't give the smokes for free. If one law suite is frivolouse and the other is not, you (Congress) need to explaine to me why that is. Because apparently I don't have enough education in the Art of Bull Shit to understand the reasoning behind this one.
Just remember folks... the right to bare arms could have meant the right to go without a jacket!
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