Barbara Bush Calls Evacuees Better Off - New York Times
I'm sure SOME are...but I can say that...she on the other hand is suppose to have some diploma for crying out loud! If you havent caught it, turn on the history channel sometime when they're doing the hurricane special, showing footage and interviews of people who've gone through the major storms since the 1920's, pay close attention to the Andrew segment. Mr. Bush Sr. took 4 days to respond to that one, and the folks down there were looting, fighting for survival, no food, no water, total devestation. And Mr. Bush Sr. said "Now is not the time to play the blame game". Sounds earilly familiar doesn't it? As I watched I got goose bumps, because I remembered vividly sitting in my home in Wilmington NC watching CNN all night as that storm tore apart Florida, and seeing the devestation as the sun broke through the following morning... and picking up the phone and beginning a campaign with all the area scouting groups to get out to the grocery stores with lists of supplies needed to hand out to shoppers, filling cars and trucks with these supplies and then loading it all into a semi and sending it off to these people. But it took 4 days for our government to start aide because "They needed the request in writing"
Thank GOD I am an American... because in America I can stand here and PROUDLY scream "My Government Has It's HEAD UP THEIR ASS RIGHT NOW!" Mr. Brown had his head up his ass, but is actually being used as a scape goat, as if he was the soul person responsible. Who put him in charge? That person is responsible too. Who looks into resume`s, why didn't our Congress demand that some things NOT fall under Home Land Security because if it aint broke WHY FIX IT?
GAWD GAWD GAWD I'm angry. I'm angry that anyone can even think this had to do with being poor and black... The floridians were mainly white and hispanic they werent taken care of for 4 days. No it's much more simpler and less diabolical than anything like race and income... it's called LAZY. VACATION. NOT MY PROBLEM. I mean afterall, the guys already been elected, and can't run again, so he wants his vacation time. I'm sure allot of folks feel he deserves his vacation time, but he can have all the vacation he wants after his term is over. It's his job to make sure all of his people are doing their jobs - correctly. Bottom line - The Buck Stops With The Prez.
Pheww... I feel better. I'd feel even better if Donald [Trump] would just tell Bush he was FIRED.
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