Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's Smiling!

It's smiling!
Originally uploaded by NCWench.
I really hate spiders... like an arachnophobia type of dislike. But I find viewing them through the lens is somewhat easier.

I don't know what kind of spider this one is, but I have allot of them around the outside, building webs. They are rather small, it was hard to get a shot of this one because my camera seriously couldn't get a strong focus on it most of the time. Once I found a position the lens could see it, then I just shot as many as I could in focus and picked out the best shots to display.

Onto other matters:
One of my photo groups has been talking about the recent banning of UAE from Flickr didn't ban them, their government did. Mainly (and to make a long story short) it was because of this one person nicknamed 'Thursday' who made the complaint to the officials that was basically a porn site because some photos show women's bare backs, bare legs etc... So the people within UAE can no longer access the site and a few others as well. I should also mention this guy 'Thursday' doesn't even live within the UAE... he lives in London. What an ass.

So anyway... I expressed my thoughts that I find it painful, and a bit shocking that countries that have internet access, educated people, the arts, etc would still feel necessary to treat it's citizen like children. I meant no disrespect, nor was it a put down. It's simply that if/when my government denies me anything, they do it in such a way that I don't even know it's being done (which is just as bad I suppose) but to do it so blatantly open within America would surely cause us to rise up and say FUCK YOU to the government don't you think? (Now I did not say this on the group forum, I actually said Freedom of choice!

No one should have their choices denied to them... and I guess it's hard for me to understand that it happens. It seriously boggles the brain to think a Government out there in the world... in 2005... still thinks to treat it's citizens like children as if they cannot decide for themselves right from wrong...and of course a Government that also makes up the religious rules is also something very foreign to me.

I mean no ill feelings by this - I am simply blown away to see art, education, or personal freedoms taken away.
" And what the other person said was this: "NCWench, I have a horrid feeling that your post was absolutely serious and not ironic. There are many many Governments out there doing EXACTLY what you say (including your own and my own). The UAE approach may simply be more transparent than ours.") Excuse me for sounding naive, I'm not. What I am is innocent. Mainly because I've lived such a protected life of freedom here in the US that I find it appalling when people in other countries are denied those same freedoms.

The jist of it all is this... Someone's nose got bent out of shape because I would say anything at all. If no one said anything would the problem go away? If no one said anything does that make it better?

What makes my country great, and that person's country great is this... I can say what I said, where I said it, and he can say what he said where he said it, both of us do not have to look over our shoulders in fear of not only what we said but where, without fear that our ip's will be traced back to our personal homes and us arrested for being at a site we weren't suppose to be at, and for expressing our anger at our government on said site.

So excuse me if I sound naive... but I will fight to keep my freedoms and a government wanting to take them away can kiss my rebel ass! I do not need another country to come in and fight for my rights, I will fight for them myself. Because freedom is not free, you have to stand up and fight for it to earn it.

(But here's a question for you... out of 18 posts... and everyone of us are just as outraged or appalled as each others - why'd he pick mine?! If your in a group of people and something goes wrong each time everyone will look at the redhead first I swear it! And yes... there is a picture of a redhead next to my nickname). LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you will this of interest:

June 25, 2005 7:25 AM  

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